Representations & Warranties Insurance (North America)

Representations & Warranties Insurance

  • Representations & Warranties Insurance (“R&W Ins”) protects against loss arising from a breach of the seller’s representations and warranties made in a merger or acquisition. The insured may be either the seller or the buyer.
  • The seller-based policy indemnifies a seller who is sued for an alleged breach.
  • The buyer-based policy allows the buyer to claim proceeds directly under the policy for a breach; however, if there is also recourse against an escrow or seller, such recourse must be pursued.

The Benefits Provided

  • Maximize ROI. An equity fund seeking to maximize the amount and minimize the time incurred in distributing sale proceeds from a M&A transaction can use seller-based R&W Ins. to avoid internal reserves and/or can reduce escrow and indemnity obligations by insisting that a buyer obtain R&W Ins.
  • Collection Assured. Even a good deal may lack certainty of collection of indemnity. Whether it’s an asset sale by a company being dissolved, a stock sale by retiring owners, a sale by foreign owners or an equity fund that is winding down, a privatization, or a sale by a corporate parent that is itself preparing to be acquired, etc., R&W Ins. can backstop the representations made.
  • Avoid Suing Management. In a management buy-out or buy-in transaction, R&W Ins. provides an alternative to suing existing management in order to be fully indemnified for a breach.
  • Bridge the Deal. Whenever an impasse is reached over a desired escrow amount, indemnity ceiling, or purchase price adjustment in light of a threatened or existing adverse condition or contingency, R&W Ins. can “bridge” the deal. The “bridge” may even yield a profit to the buyer, who agrees to reduce the escrow amount and/or indemnity ceiling in exchange for a reduction in the purchase price that exceeds the premium.
  • Enhanced Bid. In the context of an auction sale or asset sale from a bankruptcy estate, superior terms can often make the difference in a deal. Reduced escrow and indemnity ceilings (supported by R&W Ins.) may enhance the bid.
  • Facilitate Acquisition Lending and Resale. At no additional cost, R&W Ins. can cover lenders and subsequent assignees.
  • Seller’s and Buyer’s Sleep Insurance. No post-closing budget surprises.

The Benefits Provided

  • Maximize ROI. An equity fund seeking to maximize the amount and minimize the time incurred in distributing sale proceeds from a M&A transaction can use seller-based R&W Ins. to avoid internal reserves and/or can reduce escrow and indemnity obligations by insisting that a buyer obtain R&W Ins.
  • Collection Assured. Even a good deal may lack certainty of collection of indemnity. Whether it’s an asset sale by a company being dissolved, a stock sale by retiring owners, a sale by foreign owners or an equity fund that is winding down, a privatization, or a sale by a corporate parent that is itself preparing to be acquired, etc., R&W Ins. can backstop the representations made.
  • Avoid Suing Management. In a management buy-out or buy-in transaction, R&W Ins. provides an alternative to suing existing management in order to be fully indemnified for a breach.
  • Bridge the Deal. Whenever an impasse is reached over a desired escrow amount, indemnity ceiling, or purchase price adjustment in light of a threatened or existing adverse condition or contingency, R&W Ins. can “bridge” the deal. The “bridge” may even yield a profit to the buyer, who agrees to reduce the escrow amount and/or indemnity ceiling in exchange for a reduction in the purchase price that exceeds the premium.
  • Enhanced Bid. In the context of an auction sale or asset sale from a bankruptcy estate, superior terms can often make the difference in a deal. Reduced escrow and indemnity ceilings (supported by R&W Ins.) may enhance the bid.
  • Facilitate Acquisition Lending and Resale. At no additional cost, R&W Ins. can cover lenders and subsequent assignees.
  • Seller’s and Buyer’s Sleep Insurance. No post-closing budget surprises.

Submission Requirements: Traditional R&W Insurance

  • Name of Insured (or project name), limits sought, coverage sought (e.g., buyer- or seller-based)
  • Purchase & Sale Agreement (latest draft or signed)
  • Most Recent Year-End Financial Statements
  • Confidential Information Memorandum (if available)
  • Letter of Intent

Submission Requirements: Traditional R&W Insurance

  • Name of Insured (or project name), limits sought, coverage sought (e.g., buyer- or seller-based)
  • Purchase & Sale Agreement (latest draft or signed)
  • Most Recent Year-End Financial Statements
  • Confidential Information Memorandum (if available)
  • Letter of Intent